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The larp will be held at the amazing Ullsaker Panorama, located in Torpa, an idyllic inland mountain region of Norway. Ullsaker, built in the 18th century, has been a farm house and boarding house, and will serve as the old hunting lodge of the Chippenham family during our larp.

We will rent two houses. The main house includes drawing room, dining room, four bedrooms and kitchens. The second building houses three guest bedrooms, as well as bedrooms and living quarters for the domestic servants. The organisers will have an office room in the second building. This room will be off-game, and used by the organisers during the larp. The main kitchen is large and looks period appropriate, but includes modern appliances such as electrical stoves, ovens and a dishwasher. Behind the main kitchen, there is a smaller, more modern kitchen, with a restaurant style dishwasher, gas cooker and steam oven. We will use this kitchen too, for convenience, but there will be less play in this room. Both buildings house WCs and modern bathrooms with showers. All players will have to share a room with others, and most will be sharing a bed with another player, but everybody will be sleeping in a real bed or sofa bed.

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